當你在人生做一個重大決定時,事實上你是在選擇兩個可能性的未來,一旦你做了選擇,另一個可能性的未來退場了,對嗎?或者在平行的世界裡,是否還有可能性的未來存在著? 而另外一部分的你在體驗著它?
在物理學中依照"多重世界"的理論,每當一個選擇的時刻產生,在宇宙中就產生一個分裂:不同可能性存在於平行世界,從靈性的角度而言,甚麼是平行世界所代表的意義? 我們要如何在日常生活裡去體驗這個意義?這是本文最主要的問題.
多重世界的理論對我們了解我們的靈魂意味著甚麼? 多重生命對我們的意識發展有何意義? 為何靈魂會選擇用不同的方式去體驗一種生命?
平行生命並非單獨存在的個體, 就像宇宙的萬事萬物--在內在是互相連結的,它們通通屬於你的,因此 它們提供了一個目的,它拓展了你的靈魂體驗,同時也你提供意識的成長.
作者:傑瑞特(Gerrit Gielen)
他是潘蜜拉.克里柏 Pamela Kribbe(靈性煉金術:激勵人心的約書亞靈訊這本書的傳訊者)的先生,他跟妻子合作解讀約書亞靈訊.本文原文是荷蘭文,由潘蜜拉協助翻譯成英文.
譯者: 向光之羽
連結: www.jeshua.net
Working with parallel lives
When you make an important choice in your life, you are actually choosing between two possible futures. As soon as you have made the choice, one possible future falls away. Right? Or does that alternative future exist as well, in a parallel world, and is it experienced and lived through by another part of you?
According to the"many worlds theory" in physics, every time a choice moment comes up, a split in the universe takes place: the various possibilities coexist in parallel worlds. What, spiritually speaking, is the meaning of parallel worlds and how can we experience this meaning in our daily lives? That is the central question of this article.
In the world of science of the 1950’s, the so called "many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics" was formulated. This theory states that as soon as there is a moment of choice in the universe, the universe splits. Both possibilities then coexist in parallel worlds. According to this theory, the universe consists of an infinite collection of worlds. Our cosmos is only one of those worlds. Since the introduction of the "many worlds interpretation", the popularity of this theory has been growing among scientists. And by way of science fiction books and movies, the theory has also become known to a wider audience.
Although this theory, spiritually speaking, has very interesting consequences, it is a scientific theory. It does not speak of the inner meaning of the existence of parallel worlds. Science does not consider it to be its task to reflect on the meaning and the implications of parallel lives for our day-to-day lives.
What does the many worlds theory imply for our understanding of the soul? What do parallel lives mean to the development of our consciousness? Why does the soul choose to experience one life in various ways?
Parallel lives do not exist independently of each other, but are – as everything in the universe is – internally connected to each other. They all belong to you. As such, they serve a purpose: they enlarge the field of experience for your soul, and with that, the growth of consciousness.
The soul experiences the physical world through us. We, as humans, are traveling on one possible road through time. In this context, it is more appropriate to speak of one possible "timeline", and our current life is one such timeline. At the moment we make an important choice in our lives, a division of timelines occurs. There is the line on which you experience choice A and there is the line on which you experience choice B. We as humans are not aware of the second timeline that we are not experiencing, but our soul is. For her, that second timeline is just as real as the original one.
Not all timelines that spring from the choices we make during our life are equally important for the soul. Some are more defining than others. We can compare this with the days of our lives: some days – our wedding day, the days on which our children are born – are deeply meaningful to us and we do not forget them. Many other days go by routinely and are forgotten. Of course, these routine days also have their function in the whole; they create quiet growth and integration that lead up to those special moments. The same principle applies to timelines.
Timelines split in moments of choice that call up intense emotions. Imagine that after a deep inner struggle you decide to quit your job and dedicate your life to your passion: you become a painter. There is also a timeline where you stay at your office job. Life as a painter is emotionally intense; it comes with fear and insecurity on the one hand and deep inspiration and fulfillment on the other hand. The timeline on which you work at an office and do not take too many risks, is less intense emotionally, but there you also gather valuable experiences. This timeline can be compared to a less eventful day in your life, while the timeline as an artist can be compared to a sensational, memorable day.##